PREGNANCY CARE & Webster Technique


 Chiropractic care is a gentle approach to correcting and stabilizing the spine and pelvis. Most of our pregnancy patients report less back pain and an easier birth process when utilizing NeuroStructural Chiropractic coupled with the Webster technique throughout the course of their pregnancy.

There is some evidence to suggest that normalizing pelvic alignment during pregnancy may reduce tension on the uteropelvic ligaments, reducing uterine torsion (twisting) and reducing structural barriers that could limit the ability of the baby to maneuver into proper position during birth.

However, rest assured that our focus is always on the spinal and pelvic alignment of the mother, never on assessing or altering fetal position.

Some may associate chiropractic care with procedures that utilize a great deal of force. However, Dr. Goodhart only utilizes gentle, low-force, instrument-based techniques. Additionally her specialized durable memory foam pregnancy pillows allow patients to safely and comfortably lie down on our tables all throughout pregnancy. In fact, most women comment that it's the most comfortable they've felt lying down in months!

Common Secondary Conditions of Pregnancy 

  • "Sciatic" type shooting leg pain

  • Muscle spasms

  • Lower back pain/fatigue

  • Round Ligament Pain

  • Pubic Symphysis Pain

  • Tension headaches

Contact our office to schedule your Complimentary Consultation.