Equine Chiropractic is a non-invasive, drug free approach used by Certified Animal Chiropractors to help your horse's body to function and perform at its optimal level.

Chiropractic adjustments can help eliminate restriction on the nerves, reduce muscle spasm, improve circulation, alleviate pain, improve joint function, and improve nervous system function. 

All of this will work together to help your horse’s body and brain communicate more efficiently!

Dr. Goodhart uses her knowledge of equine biomechanics, neuro-mechanics, and extensive chiropractic training to provide gentle, specific adjustments to achieve these goals. You will never see her use ropes, mallets, or any other large forceful tools when adjusting your horse (these tools are in fact unnecessary as well as illegal in Colorado - for very good reason). 

How do I know if my horse needs a Chiropractic Adjustment?

Horses communicate their pain and discomfort in ways that are very similar to humans! Often, changes in behavior, gait, appetite, or energy level can signal that your animal might be in some level of discomfort and could benefit from Chiropractic care. 

Performance and working horses are Dr. Goodhart’s specialty!  Their bodies undergo tremendous stress during competitions and day work, which cause misalignments in their spine and extremities.

Keeping their structure properly aligned ensures that they will be able to function and perform at their best!

Here is a list of some of the most common symptoms that may indicate your horse could benefit from Chiropractic care. (Please note this list is not all-inclusive).

Symptoms Seen in Horses

Slower performance times


Constant head shaking

Reluctance to pick up leads and/or gaits

Decreased performance

Does not like to be touched in certain areas

Uncharacteristic head tossing or feeling they're "bound up" during a run

Lameness / altered gait

Sudden behavioral changes

Head tilt

Pain at the poll

Will not/cannot collect properly

Refusal or reluctance to turn, bend, or flex in a certain direction


Resents mounting

Will not engage hind end

Knocks jumps

Hock/stifle pain or sensitivity

Uncharacteristic bucking

Hunter’s bump

Roach back

*Please note that this list is not all inclusive nor conclusive. Animal Chiropractic does not replace traditional veterinary medicine, but works very well in conjunction with it. Dr. Goodhart will work with your veterinarian as needed to ensure safe and therapeutic care of your animal to restore and maintain optimal function and health.

 Chiropractic  is a wonderful means of keeping your animal’s spine and joints healthy, as well as maintaining optimal athletic performance!

Chiropractic adjustments generally do not cause pain. Animals who present with moderate to severe pain may experience some discomfort initially because of the underlying injury or dysfunction. However, your animal’s symptoms are taken into consideration while formulating a personalized treatment plan that allows your horse’s body to heal and achieve normal function faster.

To schedule an appointment, please fill out the form below, or call us at 970.901.7196.


*Dr. Bethany Goodhart is a licensed chiropractor, certified in animal chiropractic by the Animal Chiropractic Certification Commission (ACCC) of the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA).