Complimentary Consultation

Thank you for considering a partnership with us as you seek out a wellness provider!

Whether you are brand new to chiropractic care or have worked with chiropractors in the past, you’ll soon discover that a visit with Elite Chiropractic is not your typical office visit that feels more like a business transaction than a wellness visit.

Dr. Goodhart plans out her day so that you have time to ask questions, and make sure you understand exactly what she is doing. From explaining the findings in your exam, to helping you understand how your body functions with optimal nervous system attention, Dr. Goodhart makes it her goal to ensure that education and empowerment are at the heart of her chiropractic practice.

So, what to expect during your initial visit?

First, you will be asked to fill out paperwork, including medical and lifestyle history. These questions go beyond the typical “yes/no” check boxes, and ask you to provide an in-depth look into any conditions or life events that may have impacted your health on a holistic level.

Dr. Goodhart will spend time with you to review your information and discuss your health concerns, as well as provide the opportunity to brainstorm long term health goals (and create a plan to execute them).

There is no charge for Consultations!

To schedule your appointment call (970) 901-7196 or fill out the form below to get started!